4 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Your Wedding Dress

Your wedding dress is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle that forms the most beautiful day of your life. Of course, you want to choose a gown with the very best design, fabric, and detailing for this amazing event!

What are some of the mistakes you shouldn’t make when choosing your wedding dress?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

·       Relying on 100% online providers. We know it’s tempting to mark this off your to do list with a click or two on some website – but this dress is not a pair of sneakers you can buy and then see if they fit. This is the most important dress of your life – and a bad dress choice can make you feel miserable on your Big Day. Take your time with dress buying.  It’s not a race! Go to a store and try on different designs so that you can find the one that fits your body and style down to the smallest detail.

·       Not being open-minded. Yes, we know you have your heart set on a very specific trend you love – but truth be told, real-life try-ons might feel very different than what you imagined. Our advice? Be open to what the wedding gown boutique assistants suggest – they have seen a lot of brides and they know what suits each type of woman. You’d be surprised at how great their suggestions can be!

·       Bad undergarments. We’ll let you in on a little-known secret: bad undergarments can impact your entire bridal look. You might not be able to know exactly what type of undergarments you need when you are still shopping around – but be sure to ask for recommendations when trying on gowns and be sure to wear the right ones during your actual fitting appointments. They can make all the difference in the world!

·       Trying to make everyone happy and forgetting about yourself. This one’s far too common, sadly. Yes, you should take advice from your wedding dress shopping entourage – but that doesn’t mean you should lose your own vision and style in the process. If a dress feels like the one, then that it should be, no matter what your sister, your mom, or your in-laws think! Remember – it’s YOUR dress!


Have you found the perfect wedding dress? If you’re still searching for the right one, be sure to come and visit Savvi NC. With the superb range of designer wedding gowns in our store, it is impossible not to fall in love with at least one of them!